Law is order in liberty and without order liberty is social chaos. Legal expression can systematized the behavioral conduct that people have to follow in a civilized society. Hence legal study and legal liberty through awareness mechanism is an important factor for human existence. Law is associated with all aspect of human existence. Naturally from different it is influenced by several factors interacting with human beings. Lawyers have therefore, started looking upon law as integrated discipline, drawing inspiration from different disciplines.
Fragile as reason is and limited as law is as the institutionalized medium of reason. That’s all we have between us and the tyranny of mere will and the cruelly of unbridled, undisciplined feelings. This situation have impelled the law schools to teach and learn law in the context of several disciplines such as history, sociology, psychology, international integrity etc. law learning and law teaching have therefore become both laborious and challenging. Equipping the students with the ability to solve the human problem at the national as well as at international level is the task that mandates the leading law school to be a competent trainer.
It is a reality that the Dispur law college has acquired all the mentoring capabilities to be competent legal institution for upcoming lawyers for the new millennium. Hence, Dispur law college invite the aspirant for law education at The B.A.,LL.B (Hon) (5 years) integrated law course and LL.B. (Hon) (3 years) law courses at the degree level to become part and parcel of the mission of the DLC to produce outstanding lawyers of law.